Hong Kong’s Link to the US Dollar:Origins and Evolution好物狂銷 博客來

博客來網路書店博客來網路書局博客來書店 Hong Kong’s Link to the US Dollar covers the origins of the city’s currency crisis in 1983, the initial resolution of the crisis by creation of a traditional currency board, the subsequent problems leading to the Asian financial crisis of 1997–98, and the later reforms. The epilogue traces Hong Kong’s monetary developments between 1990 and 2005.

博客來This valuable compendium of articles, originally written in the bimonthly journal Asian Monetary Monitor during the years 1981–89, includes the key article that formed the basis for the Hong Kong government’s decision in 1983 to peg the currency to the US$, as well as other important documents of historical record.

博客來網路書店歡迎您The main contribution of the book is its detailed monetary analysis of Hong Kong’s unique financial system before and after the currency crisis of 1983. The book explains the collapse of the floating HK$ under the pressure of capital outflows during the Sino-British negotiations (1982–84) over the future of Hong Kong, the fascinating story of the introduction of the linked rate system pegging the Hong Kong dollar to the US dollar, and the subsequent gradual process of reform and refinement of the currency board mechanism (1988–2005). Each chapter is preceded by an introductory narrative that puts the analysis in its historical context and places the economic argument in perspective. Hong Kong’s Link to the US Dollar will enable readers to obtain a comprehensive picture of why the linked rate system was put in place, how it works, and why it has been strengthened over the years.


  • 出版社:香港大學出版社    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2015/11/13
  • 語言:英文

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Hong Kong’s Link to the US Dollar:Origins and Evolution好物狂銷


新洲全球與美洛克結盟 進軍3D列印

(中央社記者韋樞台北31日電)炎洲集團子公司新洲全球看準3D列印商機,與專業製造商美洛克工業,簽訂KINGSSEL 3D列印機台灣區代理合約,新洲全球虛實通路並進銷售列印機和包大師品牌3D列印耗材。




江文容說,瞄準3D列印技術市場,新洲全球與美洛克工業共同合作,推出KINGSSEL 3D列印機一年全機硬體保固服務。

美洛克工業總經理傅文祺表示,藉由這次與新洲全球的合作,美洛克KINGSSEL 3D列印機將擴大市場通路,並強化經銷商連結合作。

傅文祺說,由台灣製造的KINGSSEL 3D列印機,無須掛載電腦,即可透過記憶卡離線列印作業,甚至能提供大型作品長時間列印。同時更搭載3軸機械手臂,快速提升列印效能;此外更具備獨家專利自動校正,一鍵輕鬆列印;而在品質口碑上,已獲得各大企業、政府機關與學校好評。

江文容強調,透過美洛克專業的3D列印技術、新洲包大師通過SGS及RoHS檢驗認證標準的3D列印耗材,以及新洲多年經營的台灣通路,提供高品質售後服務,加快物流效率,提供客戶更完善的購物體驗。 1050131


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Hong Kong’s Link to the US Dollar:Origins and Evolution好物狂銷


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