Money, Banking and Financial Markets (Asia Global Edition)4版評鑑開箱 博客來

博客來博客來網路書局博客來書店 Cecchetti & Schoenholtz's Money, Banking, and Financial Markets stays relevant and interesting through the text's unique emphasis on the Five Core Principles, the early introduction of risk, an integrated global perspective, and the integration of FRED data in the text and problem material. By focusing on the big picture via core principles, Cecchetti & Schoenholtz teaches students the rationale for financial rules and institutional structure so that even when the financial system evolves, students' knowledge will not be out of date.


  • 出版社:華泰文化    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2015/04/01
  • 語言:英文

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Money, Banking and Financial Markets (Asia Global Edition)4版評鑑開箱



Star Empire在官方SNS公佈了新人男團IMFACT出道專輯《LOLLIPOP》的曲目清單。

專輯共4首歌曲,每位成員都有參與到歌曲製作中。 主打歌《Lollipop》由組合老么成員UNGJAE參與詞曲創作,是一首加入了爵士風銅管樂器的舞曲,描述了少年發現自己的理想型之後對其示好的情景。

收錄歌曲《I’M FACT》由組合全員共同撰寫,《Shine》由隊長JI AN與UNG JAE創作rap部分,《混混》則由JI AN、UNG JAE和LEE SANG參與了創作。

IMFACT共有5位成員,分別是JI AN、JAE UP、TAE HO、LEE SANG和UNG JAE。 組合名稱意為「要給歌壇帶來衝擊性影響」,同時也能分拆解釋為「I’M FACT」,意為給大家獻上最真實的音樂。

IMFACT出道專輯《LOLLIPOP》將於1月27日中午12點開始發售。 金韓佶/文 版權所有 韓星網 禁止轉載


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Money, Banking and Financial Markets (Asia Global Edition)4版評鑑開箱
那裡買,Money, Banking and Financial Markets (Asia Global Edition)4版評鑑開箱價格,Money, Banking and Financial Markets (Asia Global Edition)4版評鑑開箱特賣會,Money, Banking and Financial Markets (Asia Global Edition)4版評鑑開箱評比,Money, Banking and Financial Markets (Asia Global Edition)4版評鑑開箱部落客 推薦


Money, Banking and Financial Markets (Asia Global Edition)4版評鑑開箱


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